Fields of work

In our team we speak:

  • English 
  • German 
  • Croatian 
  • Serbian

Our law office has several decades of experience in investment and construction law, with the focus on investment projects under FIDIC contracts. This is one of the core areas in which our law firm is most frequently involved. We advise clients (Employers in the private and public sector and Contractors) in the process of drafting documentation and contracts, and provide further legal assistance during the implementation of the investment project. We also advise contractors in the bidding process, in negotiations and during the construction or investment project. 

Claims procedure is often seen in investment and construction projects. For years we have been advising Contractors and Employers in claim procedures and other dispute procedures, as well as represent them before dispute adjudication boards and in arbitration procedures.

We also have experience as members in dispute adjudication boards (DAB) under the FIDIC contracts.

Sometimes the parties are unable to reach agreement on their opposing positions or disputes. In such cases, it is important to correctly set out the dispute resolution process in order to achieve the desired goal. Through an analytical and individual approach we help our clients find the best solution to their legal problem, paying attention to the financial aspect as well. We assist and advise Slovenian and international clients, both legal (corporate) and natural persons, in negotiations, mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (arbitration), as well as in representation before the courts. We have wide experience in representing the clients in international arbitration procedures.

Civil law is one of the most extensive areas of law. It includes contract law, family law, inheritance law, property law, debt claim and tort law. 

Our law office advises clients in all areas of civil law by drafting and reviewing contracts, as well as drafting written legal opinions, preparing claims and other court submissions. We also represent clients in court proceedings before Slovenian courts in all the above-mentioned areas.

We also advise clients in inheritance proceedings with an international element, i.e. in the case of inheritance of property located abroad or in the case of inheritance of property located in Slovenia (if such property is inherited by foreigners or Slovenians living abroad).

Commercial law is divided into contract law, which governs transactions and legal relations between economic entities, and corporate law, which governs the status of economic entities, their formation and internal organisation. Commercial law also includes competition law, transport law, trade law, insolvency (bankruptcy) law, international commercial law (trade and investment law), copyright and intellectual property law, and contract law.

We advise clients in the above-mentioned areas of commercial law by reviewing and drafting contracts, and preparing legal opinions. We advise international clients in debt collection procedures. We assist domestic and international clients in negotiations and other forms of dispute resolution (pre-litigation dispute resolution, mediation). Our law office also represents clients in commercial litigation, as well as in domestic and international arbitration procedures, which is the core focus of our practice.

Constitutional law governs, among other things, human rights and freedoms. In the event of violations of these rights, we represent our clients at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia in all types of proceedings, as well as at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

V pravno bogatem okolju je zelo pomembno, da imajo pravne in fizične osebe svojega pravnega zastopnika. Naše zastopanje pokriva tako zastopanje pravnih kot tudi fizičnih oseb. Stranke zastopamo pred domačimi sodišči, domačimi in tujimi organi ter pred domačimi in tujimi arbitražami. Imamo bogate izkušnje z zastopanjem pred arbitražami v Pragi, Moskvi, New Yorku, na Dunaju ter pred ICC v Parizu. Kontakti s tujimi odvetniškimi pisarnami nam omogočajo, da lahko strankam zagotovimo pravno pomoč tudi v njihovih morebitnih sporih v tujini.

Pravna mnenja

Pravna mnenja in ocene pripravljamo v zvezi s vprašanji, ki segajo na področja dela naše pisarne. 

Tuje, fizične in pravne osebe

Naše pravno zastopanje se razteza tudi na zastopanje tujih fizičnih in pravnih oseb pred domačimi sodišči in organi.